The 810 nm diode laser, due to its high affinity with haemoglobin (elective chromatophore) re- vealed, by itself, as elective
instrument for surgical excision of the tongue, an organ highly vascularized and
sensitive to the laser cutting action. The advantages for its use, with respect
to the traditional cold blade surgery, are its haemostatic effect (which avoids
to close wounds by stitches) and, not less important, the de- contaminant effect
of the laser ray, due to either the thermal raising created on cutting line
and/or the spe- cific selective action exerted on the bacterial membrane by its
wavelength. Finally, the analgesic effect of the diode laser contributes to
consider this kind of procedure more comfortable for the patient who often
round- ly requires its use. (
The patient B.G. came into our clinical check showing two
little tumours (about 5 mm and 3 mm in diameter) at the tip of his tongue,
mourning a bother- some burning together with a feeling of recurrent pain. He
referred, moreover, to have noted the two neoplastic formations with tendency to
grow, even if in a light manner. The appearance of the button- shaped
neoformations is showed in Figg. 1 to 4. At a greater enlargement, it is
possible to note, in both le- sions, a distal fringe area of erosion.
Surgical Procedure
We performed the surgical session using a 810 nm diode laser neither with an
antibiotic coverage nor prescribing any analgesic drug after the surgical ses-
In Fig. 5 is shown the laser equipment used dur- ing our surgical session: a
combined laser ERBIUM & DIODE ?Doctor Smile? device from Lambda s.p.a., Brendola
(VI), Italy.
The equipment showed in Fig. 5 proved to be more versatile because of its
possibility to change the wavelenght during the surgical session by simply
acting on the ?touch screen?. With the same device it is possible an
odontostomatological surgical autonomy due to its ability to treat both soft and
hard tissues. In
Fig. 1. The appearance of both button-shaped neoformations on the tongue tip |
Fig. 2. The appearance of both button-shaped neoformations on the tongue tip |
Fig. 3. The appearance of both button-shaped neoformations on the tongue tip |
Fig. 4. The appearance of both button-shaped neoformations on the tongue tip |
Fig. 5. The used laser equipment |
Key words: diode laser, oncologic surgery
Antonella Tarullo, Giovanni Laino, Angelo Tarullo, Francesco Inchingolo,
Paolo Flace, Angelo M. Inchingolo, Alessio M. Inchingolo, Gianna Dipalma,
Salvatore Podo Brunetti, Raffaele Cagiano