the evolution of dental implantology has allowed for a prompt treatment of increasingly demanding patients, reducing the patient’s functional and aesthetic deficit through an immediate rehabilitation.

“one to one” immediate loading is a technique which focuses on the study of occlusal load forces, through a perfect balance between the width of edentulous areas and the number of implants inserted.

the clinical case is a 75-year-old female patient with a mobile prosthesis, suffering from resin allergies and willing to undergo implant therapy.Hematochemical investigations were performed, which were all normal, together with a CBM (Computerized Bone Mineralometry) of the vertebral column and femur, because she had been taking strontium ranelate for several years to maintain her bone balance.

After dental scan and orthopantomography, she underwent implant surgery.


Obviously, we have to stress the importance of initial patient analysis, in which we carefully analyze the quality and quantity of bone available in the interested region, and the importance of the final treatment, paying particular attention to implant occlusion, in order to avoid implant fractures caused by overload and, consequently, implant loss.

Finally, we underline the choice of manufacturing single crowns, with the double function of promoting good oral hygiene and achieving an appearance similar to natural teeth, subject to mucogingival conditioning.

Congresso Nazionale dei Docenti di Discipline Odontostomatologiche e Chirurgia Maxillo Facciale
Firenze – Siena, 14-16 Aprile 2011

Università degli Studi di Bari Dipartimento di Odontostomatologia e Chirurgia
Direttore: Prof.ssa D. DE VITO
Calabrodental S.r.l. Unità Operativa di Chirurgia Maxillo-Facciale Regione Calabria – Crotone Dir. San: Dott. M. W. Marrelli

F.Inchingolo, F. Simeone , G. Dipalma, A. D. Inchingolo, M. Marrelli, A.M. Inchingolo, A. Palladino, M. De Carolis, F. Schinco, F. Carbotti


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