Effect of low-level laser irradiation on osteoblast proliferation and bone formation

Applications of laser therapy in biostimulation and healing injured tissues are widely described in medical literature. The present study focuses on the effects of laser irradiation on the growth rate and differentiation of human osteoblast-like cells seeded on titanium or zirconia surfaces. Cell...

Platelet Rich Fibrin (P.R.F.) in Reconstructive Surgery of Atrophied Maxillary Bones: Clinical and Histological Evaluations

Maxillary atrophy is an increasingly common clinical condition and its management requires patient-specific procedures, allowing for a reduced intra-operative timing and maximum postoperative compliance. The causes that lead to focal or generalized atrophy lie in multiple factors, but edentulism ...

Evoluzione dell’Odonto-Navi-Robot, sistema integrato per il rilievo del calco orale ed il posizionamento di precisione di impianti nello stesso

La presente invenzione descrive un sistema per il rilievo del calco orale ed il posizionamento di precisione di impianti nel cavo orale. Attualmente il posizionamento degli impianti è fatto manualmente dal medico e richiede molta perizia, necessitando di tener conto sia della posizione in cui sa...

Selezione di un rilevante in vitro di cellule modello per la prova e il confronto gli effetti di un Choukroun’s fibrina ricco di piastrine (PRF) membrana e un plasma ricco di piastrine (PRP) gel: trucchi e le trappole

Al Direttore: Recentemente abbiamo letto con grande interesse un articolo pubblicato nelOOOOE, dove Egli et AL.1 provato a confrontare gli effetti in vitro sullaproliferazione e differenziazione degli osteoblasti ratto indotta da un plasmaricco di piastrine (PR) e un fibrina ricco di piastrine (P...

Safety Issues Associated With Platelet-Rich Fibrin Method

In a recent series of articles1-5 in the March 2006 issue of OOOOE, Dohan et al. describe a new autologous “platelet-rich fibrin concentrate (PRF): a secondgeneration platelet concentrate.” On page e47, a “10-mL glass-coated plastic” blood collection tube is listed as an integral part of ...

Three-Dimensional Architecture and Cell Composition of a Choukroun’s Platelet-Rich Fibrin Clot and Membrane

Platelet-rich fibrin (PRF; Choukroun’s technique) is a second-generation platelet concentrate for surgical use. This easy protocol allows the production of leukocyteand platelet-rich fibrin clots and membranes starting from 10-ml blood samples. The purposes of this study were to determine the c...

Il successo implantologico e la valutazione della validità implantare

Sono ormai ben documentate in letteratura le condizioni che permettono il successo estetico e funzionale della riabilitazione orale implantoprotesica. Sintetizzando, queste sono rappresentate dalla verifica di eventuali condizioni patologiche locali o sistemiche in grado di interferire con la str...

Use of Recombinant Factor VIla (NovoSeven®) in the Treatment of Two Patients with Type III von Willebrand’s Disease and an inhibitor against von Willebrand Factor

Type III von Willebrand’s disease (vWD) is the most severe form of this inherited coag-ulopathy. It is characterized by a defective primary hemostasis, a prolonged bleeding time and a reduced plasma factor VIII/von Willebrand factor (FVIII/vWF) complex and ristocetin cofactor (Rad). Patients affe...

Oral Infection by Staphylococcus Aureus in Patients Affected by White Sponge Nevus: A Description of Two Cases Occurred in the Same Family

White Sponge Nevus (WSN) is a rare pathology with a pathogenesis on genetic basis, a benign course and a localization affecting the mucosal keratin. WSN is usually a symptomless pathology: when pain is present, some authors reported re-duction of symptoms by taking penicillin or oral tetracycline...