Aims. The aim of the present work has been the assessment of the incidence of pathologies affecting specifically the stomatognatic apparatus, in a cohort of subjects with Down syndrome, by correlating the most significant data resulting from our analyses with those of the international literature.

Materials and Methods. After a careful analysis of the international literature, the Authors decided to focus their attention on nine of the most frequent oral manifestations of Trisomy 21. The incidence of these nine anomalies was therefore calculated within a group of 33 patients.

Then the Authors identified the two manifestations with the highest incidence rate within the study group and processed these data in order to study them in depth.

Results. In agreement with the international literature, the oral manifestations most frequently found in this study are occlusal anomalies and hypodontia. 

Conclusions. The presence of dental anomalies in patients with Down syndrome proves to be quite strong. This led the Authors to stress the importance of prevention of stomatologic diseases, especially in those patients requiring a complete and profound knowledge.


 Down Syndrome, Trisomy 21, Phenotypic features, Oral manifestations.

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Karyotype of a patient with Down Syndrome 



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